Meet Magcell - Part Two

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Meet Magcell - Part Two

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A quick look at Magcell in action


About Magcell

Meet Magcell - Part Two

MAGCELL® is a portable hand device for electrode-free electrotherapy. Magnetic alternating fields are produced over rotation by permanent magnets. A sinusoidal pulsating electromagnetic field (PEMF) is generated over the special magnet arrangement and device function principle.

Clinical Effects

The following effects of electrode-free electrotherapy with MAGCELL® are clinically recorded:

  • Pain alleviation and movement stimulation
    e.g. in the case of osteoarthritis
  • Substantial improvement in circulation
  • Reduction of sensory neurotoxicities (polyneuropathy)
  • Recently studies showed a very good result by BPH


In blood flow stimulation (Source: Funk et al (2014)

funk et al 2014

MAGCELL® MICROCIRC significantly increases micro-circulation (p < 0,001) while nitric oxide (NO) has a blood vessel dilatory effect. The authors recommend the therapy for clinical situations where an improvement in micro circulation is identified, like for instance in the case of chronic tissue repair.



Funk HW, Knels L., Augstein A., Marquetant R., Dertinger HF (2014): Potent Stimulation of Blood Flow of Volunteers after Local Short-Term Treatment with Low-Frequency Magnetic Fields from a Novel Device. Evidence-Based Complementary and Alternative Medicine 2014. Article ID 543564, 9 pages. .

Funk RHW (2018): Coupling of pulsed electromagnetic fields (PEMF) therapy to molecular grounds of the cell. Am J Transl Res 10 (5): 1260-1272.

Geiger G., Mikus E., Dertinger H., Rick O. (2015): Low frequency magnetic field therapy in patients with cytostatic-induced polyneuropathy: A phase II pilot study. Bioelectromagnetics 36 (3): 251-254. doi: 10.1002 / bem.21897.

Hitrov NA, Portnov VV (2008): MAGCELL® ARTHRO in the treatment of osteoarthritis in the knee joint. Naturopathy 3, 25-27.

Leoci R., Aiudi G., Silvestre F., Lissner E., Lacalandra GM (2014): Effect of Pulsed Electromagnetic Field Therapy on Prostate Volume and Vascularity in the Traetment of Benign Prostatic Hyperplasia: A Pilot Study in a Canine Model. The Prostate 74: 1132-1141.

Tenuta M, Tarsitano MG, Mazzotta P, Lucchini L, Sesti F, Fattorini G, Pozza C, Olivieri V, Naro F, Gianfrilli D, Lenzi A, Isidori AM, Pofi R. Therapeutic Use of Pulsed Electromagnetic Field Therapy Reduces Prostate Volume and Lower UrinaryTract Symptoms in Benign Prostatic Hyperplasia. Andrology. 2020 Feb 23. doi: 10.1111 / andr.12775. [Epub ahead of print] PubMed PMID: 32090492.

Reimschüssel A., Bodenburg P. (2009): Low-frequency electromagnetic fields. Successful in the therapy of myoarthritis of the temporomandibular joint. Naturopathy 5, 28.

Rick O., von Hehn U., Mikus E., Dertinger H., Geiger G. (2017): Magnetic Field Therapy in Patients With Cytostatics-Induced Polyneuropathy: A Prospective Randomized Placebo-Controlled Phase-III Study. Bioelectromagnetics 38 (2): 85-94 :. doi: 10.1002 / bem.22005.

Wuschech H., von Hehn U., Mikus E., Funk RH (2015): Effects of PEMF on patients with osteoarthritis: Results of a prospective, placebo-controlled, double-blind study. Bioelectromagnetics 36 (8), 576-585.