Psoriatic Arthritis Sufferer Reports MAGCELL® ARTHRO Relieves Pain And Reduces Anti-Inflammatory Reliance

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Psoriatic Arthritis Sufferer Reports MAGCELL® ARTHRO Relieves Pain And Reduces Anti-Inflammatory Reliance

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Diagnosed in 2009 with Psoriatic Arthritis affecting knees, hands, back and feet, Rebecca is delighted to have "finally found a device that works to reduce the pain" and lessens the need for anti-inflammatories.

Read on LinkedInPulse 27.03.2019

Psoriatic Arthritis Sufferer Reports MAGCELL® ARTHRO Relieves Pain And Reduces Anti-Inflammatory Reliance "The Magcell Arthro is amazing, after struggling with chronic joint pain for over 10 years it is incredible to finally find a device that works to reduce the pain. Generally, I use the device twice in quick succession to start the day and feel a reduction in pain within an hour. Then as and when throughout the day to 'top up'. Even at night when pain used to keep me awake using the Magcell before getting into bed helps for a better nights’ sleep. The device is small enough to fit in my bag, so I can take it to work and use during lunch. It is so easy to use and as it works through clothing, it can be used anywhere at any time! It has reduced the need for anti-inflammatories on most occasions, it's wonderful not to rely on painkillers!"




What is Psoriatic Arthritis?

Psoriatic Arthritis Sufferer Reports MAGCELL® ARTHRO Relieves Pain And Reduces Anti-Inflammatory Reliance

Psoriatic arthritis is a type of arthritis that develops in some people with the skin condition psoriasis. It typically causes affected joints to become inflamed (swollen), stiff and painful.

Like psoriasis, psoriatic arthritis is a long-term condition that can get progressively worse. In severe cases, there's a risk of the joints becoming permanently damaged or deformed, which may require surgical treatment.

However, with an early diagnosis and appropriate treatment, it's possible to slow down the progression of the condition and minimise or prevent permanent damage to the joints.


How is it commonly treated?

Psoriatic Arthritis Sufferer Reports MAGCELL® ARTHRO Relieves Pain And Reduces Anti-Inflammatory Reliance

The main medications used to treat psoriatic arthritis include:

  • Non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs)
  • Corticosteroids
  • Disease-modifying anti-rheumatic drugs (DMARDs)
  • Biological therapies



How does MAGCELL® ARTHRO help?

Through a patent-registered, innovative procedure, MAGCELL® ARTHRO is able to create exceptionally strong pulsating magnetic fields of up to 100 mT (1000 gauss) with selective frequency ranges despite its small size. Time-variable magnetic fields can function as transfer media for electric fields. Providing that – like MAGCELL® ARTHRO – the field force is sufficiently high, electro-magnetic fields can be induced in the tissue beyond the internationally recognised threshold for biological effectiveness. Through the possibility of direct application and the resulting close distance of the magnetic field to the application area, MAGCELL® ARTHRO also ensures minimum loss of magnetic field strength, transporting it deep into the tissue layers (electrode-free electrotherapy). Its battery operation and thus constant readiness enables the execution of a therapy programme through repeated short treatments in contrast to treatments previously only offered in doctor’s surgeries.

MAGCELL® ARTHRO is ideal for painful hip, knee and jaw joint arthritis, Hallux rigidus and valgus and a range of other arthritic conditions. Clinical studies on the complementary use of MAGCELL® ARTHRO for acute knee arthritis (1,2) have shown that amongst others, the following clinical effects can be achieved:

  • Significant relief from inflammation pain
  • Improvement in joint movement
  • Reduction of knee joint circumference
  • Significant reduction of WOMAC index

Magnetic field therapy is available in a range of types and appearances. Various forms of therapy do not have sufficient scientific proof of their effectiveness. The MAGCELL® ARTHRO medical product cannot be compared with ‘pulsating signal therapy (PST)’, ‘MultiBioSignal Therapy (MBST)’, ‘Nuclear Magnetic Resonance Therapy’, ‘TENS' or other transmission forms such as magnetic field mats or coils.

MAGCELL® ARTHRO works with therapy parameters investigated in empirical and clinical research. There are no known side effects or intolerance associated with the use of MAGCELL® ARTHRO. Based on a large amount of patient feedback, regular therapy may enable reductions in the dosage of medication, such as non-steroidal anti-rheumatic agents.


1 Hitrov N, Portnov V (2008): MAGCELL® ARTHRO in der Behandlung von Arthrose im Kniegelenk. Die Naturheilkunde 3:25-27.

2 Wuschech H., von Hehn U., Mikus E., Funk R.H. (2015): Effects of PEMF on patients with osteoarthritis: Results of a prospective, placebo-controlled, double-blind study. Bioelectromagnetics 36(8), 576–585.

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